Button/Coin Battery Safety Information

Author: Rory Brady  Date Posted:2 September 2021 

Button/Coin Battery Safety Info

In December 2020, the Australian Government created new safety standards for consumer goods that contain button/coin batteries. In compliance with these new safety standards, we are updating the battery compartments on all Artist products and will no longer sell any non-compliant products provided by other companies. 

These safety standards have been implemented by the Australian Government to ensure the safety of all consumers, especially children. Swallowing these batteries can be fatal or cause lifelong injuries. The safety risk to children from button/coin batteries arises when they are able to access the batteries. 

With this in mind, our updated designs will have child-proof battery compartments. These compartments will require two motions to retrieve the battery or will require a screwdriver for access to the battery.  We will also update all relevant product listings to include information on the dangers of button batteries and will send automated emails to customers who have purchased said products. 

We are acting on this matter promptly and will have all Artist products in line with the new safety standards by June 2022. 

The standards apply to: 
- Products that use button/coin batteries 
- Accessories of goods, such as remote controls that contain button/coin batteries 
- Containers or other storage devices that are intended to store button/coin batteries


What are button batteries?

Button/coin batteries are flat, round single-cell batteries. They are generally up to 32mm in diameter and vary between 1–11mm in height. In Australia and around the world, there is a growing number of serious injuries and deaths of children from these batteries. 

Button/coin batteries generally operate using one of four chemistries: lithium, alkaline, silver oxide, and zinc-air.

Lithium batteries pose the highest risk. They are usually larger, which means that they are more likely to become stuck in a child’s throat. Their higher voltage means they can cause tissue damage more quickly. 

For more info on Button/Coin batteries head to these links:

Product Safety .gov.au    Choice.com.au

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